Cattleya Alliance Hybrids and Species

Cattleya Alliance Hybrids and Species
We have decided to group all our Cattleya alliance offering on one page since our inventory can change so quickly. Generally any plant with a "mc" catalong number is a true mini-catt and will remain under 6 inches in total plant height. Listings under "cc" are compact growers that will be 12 inches or less in height while "sc" designations are for compact standard or full standard size plants that are more than 12 inches tall. Each detailed description will give more information about the size and habits if each offering. Click each listing for more details and click the images for a larger view!

Rhincolaeliocattleya Shinfong Gold Gem x Brassocattleay Tetradip (3.5” pot blooming size)
Brassocattleya Keowee ‘Mendenhall’ AM/AOS  (2.5 in. pot medium size plant)
Rhyncobrassoleya Copper Queen 'H&R' (3.5" pot blooming size)
Brassocattleya Mari’s Glory ‘Avery’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Shin Shiang Diamond ‘#1’ (2.5” pot  near blooming size)
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Perfect Choice ‘Purple Lady’ BM/JOGA, HCC/AOS
Rhyncattleanthe Nell Hammer ‘STK’ (2.5" pot near blooming size)
Encyclia Orchid Jungle x Ginger Snap  (2.5” nearing blooming size seedling)
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Paradise Ruby ‘Red’ (2.5” pot young plant)
Brassocattleya Taiwan Big Lip ‘Ta-Hsin’ (2.5” pot blooming size)
Brassocattleya Rustic Spots ‘H&R’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Yellow Bird (3" net pot seedling near blooming size)
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hsinying Rouge ‘CH#6’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Rhychobrassoleya TLDC Divine Phoenix ‘Pterodactyl’ SM/WOC’21 (4" basket blooming size)
Rhyncattleanthe Fu Shu Glory ‘Happy Holiday’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Cattlianthe Ratsima Spot – mericlone (4.5” pot near blooming size)
Rlc. Toshie Aoki ‘Starburst,’ AM/AOS x Prosthechea mariae (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocatanthe Taiwan Mermaid ‘STK’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Richard Mueller (seedling remake) –  (2” pot near blooming size)
Rhyncattleanthe Jairak Delight (2.5” pot flowering size mericlone)
Rhynchobrassoleya (Golden Tang x Bc. Richard Mueller) ‘STK’  (3.5” pot blooming size)
Brassocattleya Theresa Ricci (4.5” pot or basket blooming siae)
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