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Photo Page > Cirrhopetalum (Bulbophyllum) Lovely Elizabeth ‘Marble Branch’ AM/AOS, CCM/AOS
Cirrhopetalum (Bulbophyllum) Lovely Elizabeth ‘Marble Branch’ AM/AOS, CCM/AOS
Product Description

This is a cross of the famous Cirr. Elizabeth Ann ‘Buckleberry’ FCC/AOS back to one of its parents, Cirr. Rothschildianum. We were lucky enough to be able to choose from a large group of first blooming seedlings a few years back, and struck ‘pay dirt.’ This particularly vigorous clone makes new leads frequently, produces two growths per lead each season, and sometimes will produce two flower spikes per growth. The flowers are larger, better arranged, and more colorful than any previous awarded clone of this cross. The CCM had a score of 87 points, so we hope to be able to increase it by at least 3 more points in order to upgrade it to a CCE sometime in the future. We have made some crosses with this particular plant, and also plan to mericlone it, so watch for some special offerings in the future!
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