Brassocattleya Yellow Bird (3" net pot seedling near blooming size)

Product Description

New seedling batch of a star performer! Originally introduced in 1990, this cross is a great performer and can produce loads of flowers once mature so it is continually being re-done. Bc. Yellow bird takes Bc. Richard Mueller back to Brassavola nodosa, one of its parents for an easy growing, easy blooming orchid that makes a specimen in short order. IN this version the awarded B. nodosa 'Susan Fuchs,' FCC/AOS was used which is known for its clusters of extra large flowers. This cross tends to produce two good crops of long-lasting flowers every year, usually in summer and winter. While young, there may be just a couple blooms to the spike, but as plants get older, they can produce 7 or more as illustrated in our main photo. The color may start out pale or reddish, but within about 14 days, they are vibrant, sunny yellow. Most have quite a few red freckles on the lip, but the density and size varies with each individual plant. This orchid loves bright light and will need a sunny window if grown in the home. It can hang outside in morning or late day sun and dappled light in between during the warmer months if desired. Plants like to be watered thoroughly, then allowed to dry all the way through the pot in between. They can stay dry longer in the shorter days of winter, but grow faster and need more water in summer. Regular dilute fertilizer is recommended. There are numerous awarded examples of plants of Bc. Yellow Bird with 100 to over 700 flowers open at once, so don't be quick to divide this orchid for the best show. These are in 3" net pots that can simply be slipped into a larger pot or basket as the plants grow older. We anticipate most of these will send up their first flowers within the next 6 months. A few have already flowered for us.
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