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Miniature Cattleyas
Cattleya Alliance Hybrids and Species
'Schomburgkia' Hybrids and 'Standard' Size Cattleyas
Encyclia & Epidendrum Hybrids & Species
Warmth Tolerent Cymbidiums & Misc Orchids
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Barkeria Jim Balch 'Rich Mountain' AM/AOS
Brassocatanthe Taiwan Mermaid ‘STK’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Keowee ‘Mendenhall’ AM/AOS (2.5 in. pot medium size plant)
Brassocattleya Mari’s Glory ‘Avery’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Richard Mueller (seedling remake) – (2” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Rustic Spots ‘H&R’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Brassocattleya Taiwan Big Lip ‘Ta-Hsin’ (2.5” pot blooming size)
Brassocattleya Theresa Ricci (4.5” pot or basket blooming siae)
Brassocattleya Yellow Bird (3" net pot seedling near blooming size)
C. Beaufort (tetraploid)
C. Ruth Gee 'Diamond Jubilee' FCC/AOS x Guarianthe skinneri 'Carpenteria' FCC/AOS
Cattleya Alliance Hybrids and Species
Cattleya Seagulls Mini-Cat Heaven 'MBF'
Cattlianthe Ratsima Spot – mericlone (4.5” pot near blooming size)
Cattlianthe Rojo x Myrmecophila tibicinis
Chysis aurea ‘Orange’ x Maritza Bielecki ‘KVL’ (2.5” pot 1-2 years to bloom)
Cirrhopetalum (Bulbophyllum) Lovely Elizabeth ‘Marble Branch’ AM/AOS, CCM/AOS
Ctna. Jamaica Gem 'Marble Branch' AM/AOS
Culture Tips & Pest Control
Cym. Tapioca Tundra x dayanum album (2.5” pot seedling)
Cymbidium Chuleewan’s Christmas ‘#1’ (2.5” pot young plant)
Cymbidium Elsie Blackmore ‘Paradise’ (2.5” pot young plant)
Cymbidium Mad Hatter x Tavoy (2.5” pot seedling)
Cymbidium Marble Branch Falls (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Cymbidium Pakkret Firestorm 'Chandra' (3.5 in. pot near blooming size)
Cymbidium Pakkret Horizon x Cotton Bud (2.5” pot seedling)
Cymbidium Pakkret Horizon ‘Octoberfest’ (2.5” pot mericlone)
Cymbidium Prapuy Luang ‘Pakkret’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Cymbidium Pratabong ‘Priscilla’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Cymbidium Tropical Heritage x Tavoy (2.5” pot seedling)
Cymbidium Udaigiri ‘Serena’ (2.5” pot young mericlone)
Dendrobium secundum (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Dendrobium Sheng Yi Bumblebee (2.5” pot blooming size)
Encyclia Orchid Jungle x Ginger Snap (2.5” nearing blooming size seedling)
Epicattleya Canthy Meincer (C. Angelwalker x Epi. stamfordianum)
Epilaeliocattleya Painted Hill Star 'Roy's Rainbow'
Gombrassitonia Hilo Ablaze ‘Hilo Gold’ (3.5” pot blooming size)
Grammatocymbidium Pakkret Carnival ‘Apricot’ (2.5” pot mericlone)
Hardy Carnivorous Plants
Laelia (Schomburgkia) Wellesley
Laeliocatanthe Newberry Lava Burst 'Marble Branch' AM/AOS
Maxillaria tenuifolia ‘Yamada’ AM/AOS (3” pot large blooming size)
Miscellaneous Orchids
Myrmecocattleya Trudy Fennell
Myrmetonia Elaine Fisher
Oerstedella wallisii
Photo Page
Rhincolaeliocattleya Shinfong Gold Gem x Brassocattleay Tetradip (3.5” pot blooming size)
Rhychobrassoleya TLDC Divine Phoenix ‘Pterodactyl’ SM/WOC’21 (4" basket blooming size)
Rhyncatlaelia Night Moves 'Fantasy' AM/AOS
Rhyncattleanthe Fu Shu Glory ‘Happy Holiday’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Rhyncattleanthe Jairak Delight (2.5” pot flowering size mericlone)
Rhyncattleanthe Nell Hammer ‘STK’ (2.5" pot near blooming size)
Rhynchobrassoleya (Golden Tang x Bc. Richard Mueller) ‘STK’ (3.5” pot blooming size)
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hsinying Rouge ‘CH#6’ (3.5” pot near blooming size)
Rhyncobrassoleya Copper Queen 'H&R' (3.5" pot blooming size)
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Newberry Dancing Girl 'Marble Branch' AM/AOS
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Paradise Ruby ‘Red’ (2.5” pot young plant)
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Perfect Choice ‘Purple Lady’ BM/JOGA, HCC/AOS
Rhyncolaeliocattleya Shin Shiang Diamond ‘#1’ (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Rlc. Toshie Aoki ‘Starburst,’ AM/AOS x Prosthechea mariae (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Rlc. Williette Wong 'The Best' AM/AOS
Sarracenia Starter Assortment (3 selected potted hybrids near mature age)
Sarracenia Starter Assortment (5 selected potted hybrids medium size)
Volkertara Mark Alan Reinke 'Bob & Joyce' AM/AOS
Warmth Tolerent Cymbidiums & Misc Orchids
© 2013 Marble Branch Farms, All Rights Reserved
Cattleya Alliance Hybrids and Species
Warmth Tolerent Cymbidiums & Misc Orchids
Hardy Carnivorous Plants
Culture Tips & Pest Control
About Us
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