Maxillaria tenuifolia ‘Yamada’ AM/AOS (3” pot large blooming size)

Product Description

“Coconut Pie” Fragrance! This is the awarded, highly desirable and sought after yellow mutation of the famous “Coconut Orchid” that normally has a dark red flower hiding among grassy foliage atop flattened pseudobulbs. Like magic, when you take away the purple pigment in that form, hiding underneath is this rich yellow flower with the same delicious scent, but now, much more conspicuous, especially as the plants grow larger into specimens covered in blooms. Plants in smaller pots than these are currently selling online for significantly higher prices than we are offering, so take advantage of this excellent deal while you can. Flowering is in spring, generally April and May, but will vary slightly depending on your specific growing conditions. Our photos were actually take on June 22nd, when the flowers had been open already for the previous two months. Buds emerge from the rhizome below recently developed and older pseudobulbs. This orchid likes bright, but filtered light and plenty of water while actively growing, especially in warm summer weather, with less, but not total dryness in the winter months. Well grown plants can develop into specimens with hundreds of flowers and there are numerous awards for plants bearing more than 200 at once. Do not be quick to repot this orchid but wait for the current pot to be filled with growth and roots before stepping up. Repotting too soon will result in poor or delayed flowering. The best time to repot is immediately after flowering in late spring.
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