Barkeria Jim Balch 'Rich Mountain' AM/AOS
Product Description

This fantastic Barkeria by Dr. Robert Marsh just received its award in Atlanta in January, 2007. It is a primary hybrid of Bark. uniflora and Bark. scandens and combines the best of both species in color pattern and form, plus adds one rather unique habit. Typically, barkerias will produce a terminal inflorescence with several flowers, and then when it is on the way out, produce a succession of side branches with a few flowers each. This clone produces several side branches along with the terminal cluster all at the same time on each spike, offering much greater floral profusion, which obviously impressed the judges. The flowers last in perfect condition an extraordinarily long time, and some were already 2 months old when it received its award! We plan to self this outstanding plant to be released in the future!
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