Laelia (Schomburgkia) Wellesley
Product Description
Laelia Wellesley is a cross between Laelia superbiens and Laelia lyonsii, both previously classed as Schomburgkia. The former species has nonresupinate flowerrs (the lip remains topmost) and that trait has been passed on to this unusual orchid. It is a massive plant that stands up to 3 feet tall and produces 8 foot tall spikes with giant heads of many sizable flowers. There have been a number of awards for this cross in the past, but we have no means of transporting our huge plant to a judging center, so it never gets a chance to be evaluated. We have made some interesting crosses with it that we will offer in the future. One is with the also nonresupinate Prosthechea cochleata and the other with our very spectactular Ctt. Trick Or Treat 'Marble Branch.' Both should be interesting and unusual hybrids and we are anxious to see the results and share them with our customers.
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