Brassocattleya Richard Mueller (seedling remake) – (2” pot near blooming size)

Product Description

New! This is a remake of the hybrid between Brassavola nodosa and Cattleya milleri which was originally registered back in 1965 when the latter species was newly identified. The main photo shows the 'Summerfield Orchids' form, awarded in 2000 and the inset photos shows the 'Newberry' form awarded in 1992. Bc. Richard Mueller has been a famous parent, with about 90 registered crosses where it is one parent, and 250 where it is in the ancestry, many of which have received multiple awards. Every windowsill grower of cattleya types in the 1990’s had at least one Richard Mueller cross and usually several. They were known for their vigor and free blooming habits, making them star performers in any collection. Some are still widely available and a few of them are included in our offerings whenever we can get them. But Bc. Richard Mueller itself has never been easy to find as growers have been reluctant to let go of such an important parent plant. Now, you can have one or even several for a very reasonable price. Plants have narrow, upright growth and can make a specimen with many flowers over time. While the first blooms make come one to three to a spike, a fully mature plant can sometimes produce as many as nine flowers, which easily last 2 months. The blooms may open reddish or pale, but soon brighten up to sunny yellow, usually with some red spots in the lip. All they ask is bright diffused light, good drainage and a little fertilizer now and then to flourish, usually flowering on every single new growth once mature. These seedlings are still in 2-inch pots but should be only one or two growths away from their first blooms, so get one or more before we step them up and charge a higher price. Great for baskets, mounts, or pots with rather large growing media.
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