Cymbidium Udaigiri ‘Serena’ (2.5” pot young mericlone)

Product Description

New! Especially compact growing heat tolerant Cymbidium This Cymbidium mericlone, which we imported in flask from Thailand is particularly compact with short, curved, purple flushed foliage. It is 50% Cym. canaliculatum from Australia, one of the toughest species, growing in places where no other orchid survives. The other parent, Cym. Faridah Hashim is 50% Cym. ensifolium a dwarf species and 50% Cym. finlaysonianum a compact epiphytic jungle species. Arching to pendant spikes can come anytime in spring, summer or fall with a dozen or more cream-colored flowers brushed deep purple and a matching deep purple lip. This orchid will do especially well in Florida and the Guld Coast or any other hot summer climate but will also grow and flower in cooler regions as well. These are young mericlones in 2.5” pots with short, curved foliage, but they are very quick growers so that blooming size is possible in two growing seasons.
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