Brassocattleya Taiwan Big Lip ‘Ta-Hsin’ (2.5” pot blooming size)

Product Description
This new introduction has a rather unusual ancestry. The cross is C. bicalhoi x Bc. Tetradip. The former species is better known as Laelia dayana a true miniature from mossy forests in Southeast Brazil known for the striking purple lines that emanate from the throat of the flower. When the Brazilian Laelia species were moved to Cattleya in 2008 there were already two older hybrids that used the name Dayana, so to avoid confusion this new name was applied. The latter parent is a cross between Brassavola nodosa and Rlc. Bonanza, a famous large flowered lavender cattleya. The result is a very compact plant with dark green glossy foliage reminiscent of C. bicalhoi that bears large flowers for its size. We have seen flowers in every season of the year on these plants. Already, these plants are filling their pots with two or three leads so they should grow into showy clumps over time. They are ready to be stopped up as new growth is beginning to hang over the edge of the pot. However, don’t overpot or you will likely delay flowering of your plant as they will bloom best when their root system is somewhat cramped. As the plants grow larger, pot into larger media that offers perfect drainage.
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