Cymbidium Pakkret Horizon x Cotton Bud (2.5” pot seedling)

Product Description
New! Heat and cold tolerant new cross from Bangkok, Thailand. This new offering will be an exceptionally beautiful and graceful bloomer with reduced plant size and capable of enduring hot summer weather and also chilly conditions down to the freezing point. The first parent is a cross of the dwarf growing Cym. ensifolium and the large growing Cym. insigne and produces tall upright inflorescences of delicate pink blooms with red purple markings while the second parent is one quarter Cym. ensifolium, one quarter Cym. dayanum and one half Cym. seidenfadenii, a very graceful orchid from Thailand that is somewhat smaller to Cym. insigne and given its own species status in 2014. Mature plants will have graceful dark green foliage topping out at about 24 inches with upright flowers spikes rising above with up to a dozen flowers each, likely white with pink and red markings and up to three inches in spread each. Flowering will favor late summer into fall, but mature plants may spike again in the spring. Give it bright diffused light, plenty of water especially in summer and you will find this one easy to grow and bloom in any part of the country. Fine for summering outdoors when temperatures are above freezing.
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